A Feminist Reading of Bridges of Madison County; The Discussion about the Confusion of Embezzlement Judicial Cognizance& from the Perspective of the Case of LIANG Li in Shenzhen 论侵占罪司法认定的困惑&以深圳梁丽案为视角
Thirdly, deliberate discussion on the judicial cognizance of crime of abusing power is to be carried out from three aspects: the constitution of crime of abusing power, the cognizance of crime of abusing power and the definition of crime of abusing power and misprision crime. 其三,从徇私舞弊犯滥用职权罪的构成、滥用职权罪的罪数认定、滥用职权罪与玩忽职守罪的界定三个方面对滥用职权罪的司法认定进行了具体论述。
Judicial Cognizance of Crimes Damaging Commercial Reputation, Commodities Reputation 损害商业信誉、商品声誉罪的司法认定
Part three discusses the problems in judicial practice. The cognizance of illegal possession should be related with the factors of subjective aspects. 第三部分针对司法实践中的常见问题作了探讨,对合同诈骗罪非法占有目的的认定应当考虑的诸多因素进行了论述,认为应当尽量结合客观方面的诸多因素,进行综合判断。
Judicial Cognizance of Defalcation in Corporate System Reform 论企业改制中贪污罪的司法认定
Judicial cognizance of this crime is the third part that discusses crime and non-crime, the cognizance of subject, distinction of two similar crimes, numbers of the crime and criminal punishment. 论述本罪的罪与非罪,责任主体的认定,此罪与彼罪的界限,罪数问题和刑事处罚。
In judicial practice of equivalent cognizance, it may use the experiences in Japan for reference to solve the cognizance misunderstanding area of reality in the law and the technology; 在等同认定的司法实践中,解决法律事实和技术事实认定上的误区,可以借鉴日本的经验;
The judicial cognizance of defalcation committed during the system reform, should be made by balancing the conviction factors such as illegal possession, by strictly distinguishing the crime and the non-crime, this crime and that crime, based on the condition at that time. 改制过程中贪污犯罪的司法认定,应根据贪污罪的基本特征,把握非法占有等贪污罪定罪要素的涵义,结合改制当时的背景,严格区分罪与非罪、此罪与彼罪。
Chapter two is the judicial cognizance against the crime of the crime of huge unidentified property. 二是以司法机关的正常活动作为客体,能够展露巨额财产来源不明罪之犯罪行为的本质属性。
Second, the aspect of the microcosmic, can call it the judicial aspect, analyze to what extent the judges 'cognizance to fact should reach in idiographic cases, high probability, or elimination of reasonable suspicion? 二是微观的层面,也可称之为司法层面,是指在具体的诉讼个案中裁判者对于事实的认定应该达到怎样的程度,即是高度盖然性,还是排除合理怀疑的程度。
The second part, the judicial cognizance of the crime of assisting in destroying and fabricating evidences. 第二部分,帮助毁灭、伪造证据罪的司法认定。
Analyzed the illegal business for judicial cognizance, And legitimate business behavior and generally illegal business behavior distinction. 分析了非法经营的司法认定。主要是与正当经营行为及一般违法经营行为的区别。
Cancel the elements, accord with the essential requirements of bribery crime, which is advantageous to solve some theoretical problems, facilitate judicial cognizance on bribery crime, also is helpful to perform the obligation of international efforts to combat bribery crime. 取消该要件,符合受贿罪的本质要求,有利于解决一些理论上的困扰,便于司法认定,有效打击贿赂犯罪,亦有利于履行国际打击贿赂犯罪的义务。
Article focus on the second, and the third part, through combining case and data, to analyse the status of judicial cognizance of well-known trademark in our country, And then puts forward some countermeasures. 文章的重点在第二、第三部分,结合案例、数据分析我国目前驰名商标司法认定的现状,进而针对问题提出对策。
The third part is to food safety crime judicial cognizance, including food security crime crime number form, given circumstances of understanding and punishment for aspects, in order to better guide to food safety in the practice of criminal behavior that punishment. 第三部分是对食品安全犯罪的司法认定,包括食品安全犯罪的罪数形态、量刑情节的理解以及刑罚适用方面,以便更好的指导实践中对食品安全犯罪行为的认定处罚。
Well-known trademark judicial cognizance standard there are four main: passive recognized principles, the principle, real case case effectively identified principles, careful travel principle. 驰名商标司法认定的标准主要有四个:被动认定原则,个案有效原则,实案认定原则,慎行原则。
Based on this, the author puts forward his own views on the constitution, judicial cognizance and legislative perfection of this crime by using the demonstration method by inference from the theoretical and practical angle. 采用推理求证的思路、综合分析的方法,从实然和应然的角度对洗钱犯罪的构成要件、司法认定和刑事立法完善等问题提出了自己的见解。
Because how to punish the litigation fraud in our country is no clearly defined, the discretion of the court throughout a large range about the same acts of nature, there is a big disparity judicial cognizance. 由于我国法律对诉讼欺诈行为如何处罚尚无明确的规定,各地法院的自由裁量权的范围很大,相同性质的行为司法认定存在很大的悬殊。
Out of the special protection of the well-known trademark, the Systems of judicial cognizance of well-known trademark get clear law in 2001. 出于对驰名商标进行特殊保护的需要,2001年,驰名商标司法认定制度得到我国法律明确规定。
The third chapter mainly discusses the judicial cognizance question well-known trademark, introduces the principle of judicial cognizance standard and scope, and related knowledge, and tries to find out the judicial practice. 第三章主要讨论驰名商标的司法认定问题,分别介绍了司法认定的原则、标准和范围等相关知识,并试图寻找出我国司法实践中所存在的主要问题。
The thesis gives a research of the difficult issues on judicial practice of attempt of theft in hoping of offering proper standards for cognizance of form of attempt of theft. 本论文研究了盗窃未遂的实践难题,期望为盗窃未遂形态的认定提供妥当的标准。
The subject is surrendered judicial cognizance should first study the basic problem solving, the author of this paper will first chapter. 自首的主体是研究自首司法认定应先行解决的基本问题,笔者将此作为论文的第一章。
This judicial interpretation promulgated and implemented, so that the judiciary cognizance perpetrator confession has further legal basis, but in judicial practice, ceaseless emerge in large numbers in different case morphology, the cognizance of surrender, become complicated, changeable. 这一司法解释的颁布实施,使司法机关认定犯罪行为人的自首情节有了进一步的法律依据,但是在司法实践中,不断涌现各种不同的案例形态,使得自首认定情况,变得纷繁复杂、多变。
This paper focus on well-known trademark judicial cognizance this problem, using theoretical and empirical research and discusses the methods to improve the famous trademarks of our country judicial authentication system, some Suggestions were put forward. 本文围绕驰名商标司法认定这一问题,运用理论和实证的方法进行研究与探讨,对完善我国驰名商标司法认定制度提出了一些建议,本文共分四部分。
In judicial practice, cognizance to deal with drug purchasing behavior drug case has a very important theory and practical meaning. 在司法实践中,正确认定代购毒品行为对处理毒品案件有着极为重要的理论及实践意义。
The fourth rules based on the actual situation in our country, puts forward the well-known trademark protection system of judicial cognizance and some suggestions. 第四章则立足于我国的实际情况,大胆提出了完善我国驰名商标的司法认定与保护制度的若干建议。
The number has risen sharply, that reflected many Institutional defects, the judicial cognizance of well-known trademark has seriously deviate the original purpose of system design. 认定数量的急剧上升,反映出许多制度缺陷,驰名商标司法认定已经严重偏离制度设计的初衷。
Based on the comparative analysis, China should compromise administrative cognizance and judicial cognizance, but the judicial cognizance should be the final examination and appraisal authorities. 第一部分主要就国际上驰名商标的认定模式与标准作一介绍,通过比较,认为我国目前应有效融合行政认定与司法认定两种认定方式,但应将司法机关作为最后的审查鉴定机关。
Facing the situation of false action flooding, how much value surplus of well-known trademark, and where to go of the judicial cognizance of well-known trademark, it is a problem worthy of our thought. 面对虚假诉讼泛滥的局面,驰名商标价值剩余几许,驰名商标司法认定制度又该何去何从,值得我们深思。
The third chapter is credit fraud of judicial cognizance question. 第三章是信用证诈骗的司法认定问题。